Use Cases

Customer Onboarding & KYC Automation

Streamline your KYC processes with automated data extraction for faster, compliant customer onboarding.
Blank Credit Check Consent Form with fields for personal information including name, address, social security number, and employment details. It contains a disclaimer about the use of information for business purposes and has signature and date lines for authorization.
Trusted by Industry Leaders Across the Globe

Key Information Extracted for KYC

Accurate data extraction for compliance and customer satisfaction.
Credit Report Authorization Form with sections for applicant information and signature. Fields include name, social security number, birth date, and current address, with additional space for previous address if less than two years. A section detailing the authorization terms is present above the signature and date lines.
Fields that can be extracted:
Accelerate KYC Compliance
Process Know Your Customer (KYC) documents faster and with greater accuracy, speeding up new customer onboarding.
Classify Documents Instantly
Streamline your KYC processes by automatically classifying customer documents upon receipt.
Enhance Customer Satisfaction
Enhance client satisfaction with rapid processing during onboarding and credit assessments.
Automate Email Attachment Handling
Automate the scanning and sorting of email attachments during the KYC process.

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